
Results 280 issues of streetwriters[bot]

Mouse double click on a word, copy it and paste it in another text editor and you'll see that the word pasted is truncated at the end, leaving off the...

When copying links, the editor should automatically detect they are hyperlinks. **Device information:** App version: 2.1.4-889a8d9-desktop OS: OS X 10.15.7 Browser: Electron 19.0.8 Pro: true

I insert an image to the note on pc. But I can’t view the picture on iPhone, showing error downloading file. I tried many times but didn’t work. _______________ **Device...

A note with 2 image attachments show in the editor and in the attachments pane of the note, but do not render in a Monograph publish. There are blank spaces...

On Mac or Windows, I can publish a Monograph, but this does not appear under the "Monograph" menu item in Android, even with a force sync. Trying to republish the...

Error advised to attach logs: Error: Unknown content type: "undefined". Please report this error at [email protected]. at getContentFromData (address at at ?anon_0_ (address at at next (native) at...

So I created an account and now that I forgot my password I tried deleting my account but it's not helping me with it. I tried resetting it too but...

When I click backup now. It fails. ``` Error: Backup returned empty. at ?anon_0_ (address at at next (native) at asyncGeneratorStep (address at at _next (address at

Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to the Settings 2. Select Backups 3. Activate Encrypted Backups 4. Press backup now. Now, you should input password account to continue process. 5. Leave...

This is not a bug but it is annoying. When you insert an object in a note (Table, Code, Quote, Math, etc) you can not write below it, unless you...