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Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more

Results 37 entt issues
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This is mostly the same issue as #913 but at storage level. We reproduce it the same way. CC @xissburg


I am encountering a weird issue where I have a set with `(0x8, 0x100009)` for example, and I call `entt::sparse_set::erase` with a set which contains `(0x100009)` and the result is...


Hello! I just recently tried to upgrade from EnTT 3.9.0 to 3.10.1, and noticed this version is using a re-design of the registry `ctx()`. I was able to find the...


An observer can now iterate its first N entities with `each`. In the mutable version, this will remove the first N entities from the observer. This allows an observer to...


As per title: `cmake/in/entt.pc.in` has ``` prefix=@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@ includedir=${prefix}/@CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@ ``` and so can’t handle absolute paths in `CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR`. This leads to broken .pc files on NixOS in particular. See “[Concatenating paths...

help wanted
build system

Hello! entt has only dense_map, dense_set. Do you have any plan to make dense_multimap container ?


Adds extension, that allows to declare and work with polymorphic components. See discussion in the delated issue #859. Example usage (will be updated in case of changes): ```c++ #include struct...


Neither insertion nor in-place deletion move objects but currently all component types have to be movable due to https://github.com/skypjack/entt/blob/0d67020ece3d42e6faefe09e456f6ea68135c0f1/src/entt/entity/storage.hpp#L235 An obvious workaround is to allocate such objects by other methods...


It would be super helpful to be able to disable either an entity or a specific component on an entity, both without actually deleting entity or component. The entity or...

feature request

I was doing some explorations on improving binary size and found this potential change in ENTT. Basically, what's going on here is that the 'placeholder' function-level "magic static" is more...
