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Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more

Results 38 entt issues
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Hello, I wanted to ask you if you thought it was feasible to report errors in basic_snapshot_loader and snapshot classes, or if I am missing something obvious. I use zppbits...


When a partial-owning group relies on components owned by another group which relies on other components, `sparse_set` may fail to index entity because of `swap_elements`. This works fine before v3.12.0,...


So I'm trying to use `entt` and copied the single-include header of version 3.12.2 into my project's directory. For some reason, if I try to compile my code with `entt`...




Adds the indices of the in edges of organizer vertices, so that dependencies can be checked for completion before running a vertex's task. Also simplifies how the `is_top_level` field is...

feature request

Hi @skypjack, as discussed in Discord I'm proposing the following code to add dynamic (runtime) sized object support to entt. I'm looking forward to your feedback. --- ## Points to...


Hello, how can this assertion happen? The call looks like: `reg.emplace_or_replace(entity, SOME_STATIC_STRING);` Which leads to the assert on: ![image](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/assets/132895406/1dc833f3-0638-4f9c-91ed-01d4b0bdd017) The component to add looks like: ```cpp struct Component { QString...


More details here: https://github.com/skypjack/entt/issues/60#issuecomment-1667327628 It would be great to be able to debug an `entity` and all of it's `components` inside the debugger. In Visual Studio, with natvis support, the...

help wanted

The current release process doesn't increment the version ~~or compatibility level~~ in the `MODULE.bazel` file. I've recently [submitted EnTT to the BCR](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry/pull/1904) and had to patch it in (so no...

build system

I have a function to initialize an entity with a bunch of components My first attempt has been something like receiving only an entity, but that doesn't work. I have...
