Shaun Jackman

Results 270 comments of Shaun Jackman

@jmw86069 `brew install brewsci/bio/bandage` on Linux will install Bandage version 0.8.1, but I imagine you're looking for version 0.9.0. The various modes of the `Bandage reduce` command line interface is super useful.

> Are you guys still working on this? See (I'm not a developer/maintainer of Bandage.)

🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅 Dear, Santa Ryan. I've been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like to `Merge all possible nodes` from the command line. I promise I'll be good next...

An alternative, which is likely easier to implement, would be the ability to specify a random seed value for the graph layout. See also the related issue

Thanks for posting the answer here, @dbtara. I did eventually stumble on the answer myself, and I ought to have posted it. @rrwick I think I understand the purpose of...

The specified `--seed` value could be used for the first component, and it could be incremented for each successive component (or any other deterministic sequence).

> Can I ask: do your graphs have varying overlap sizes? Yes, ABySS has varying overlap sizes. > And do they have (eek!) complex overlaps with mismatches and indels? No,...

I'm looking forward to the release of 0.8.0! Bandage has been very useful for me.