Shaun Jackman

Results 270 comments of Shaun Jackman

> For consistency, I would suggest names to be `product_ok` and `sum_ok`. Done!

> EDIT: The documentation of [sum]( (same for product) mention panics. It would do the same here. Done!

Can `sga index -a ropebwt` work with the output of `sga fm-merge`? The mean sequence size is 300 bp, and the largest sequence is 30,889 bp.

The fm-merge FASTA file is 20 GB, so it should be possible to construct the BWT in a single pass using SAIS in roughly 200 GB RAM. I reported this...

Have you read _Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting_? It seems worth checking out. @rob-p brought it to my attention.

`sga index -d 1000000` completed in 25 hours. ``` sh sga index -d 1000000 -t 64 hsapiens.preprocess.filter.pass.merged.fa 205964.05s user 3080.39s system 232% cpu 24:56:18.90 total 9111 MB ```

Here's the wallclock and memory results for SGA on human HG004 data with and without `fm-mege`. (a memo to self and for future curious readers) | fm-merge | Wallclock (h)...

It was surprising to me to. Running `fm-merge` first speeds up `overlap` and `assemble` quite a bit. I found that `rmdup` after `fm-merge` didn't remove any sequences. Is it necessary,...

`sga index -d 1000000` succeeded. `sga index -d 10000000` succeeded. `sga index -d 20000000` segfaulted.