This occurred when walking a friend through L2 planet setup with local Port on a MacBook Pro, in Chrome. When he navigated to the DMs view, searched for a pat-p,...
I recently went through multiple old DMs which last had any activity over a year ago. After doing so, one became stuck in the 4th-from-top position in my DMs view...
Seen intermittently: When first navigating to a group, the right side screen description blurb does not include the actual # of participants. System: Chrome on MacBook Pro.
I wrote a message in a chat. It went through; others saw it. Now it displays as "this message was deleted" to myself and others. I did not delete it....
When one clicks on a group link in a notebook, successfully joins the group, but hits the Dismiss button (and thus returns to the original notebook page); one returns to...
A friend sent me 3 DMs this morning. The me:him DM channel has been open for months. #1 and #3 made it to me, #2 did not. System: Chrome on...
1. Navigate to the 'Participants' tab in any group 2. Next to any participant pat-p, select the menu and select 'Send Message' 3. Instead of taking you into a new...
I copy+pasted a block of text from a Google Doc into a Notebook. There was a formatting issue (I had left an indent on one paragraph), but when I went...
Lately several group DMs with 3-4 ships, which I have already joined and read, present the 'Join' button multiple times afterwards. In ~75% cases this works and puts me back...
When navigating anew to a chat with new messages, and clicking on the "x New Messages since Y" popup, the user is sent to a point well before the unread...