
Results 35 comments of sibbng

I was have this issue ~1 month ago on 2.9.x. Interestingly after few days this issue is gone. Then i upgraded to 2.10.x when it is released. As far as...

Interestingly this issue is came today completely different. My server stuck during development and when try to restart it give me permission error about .nuxt folder. To remove this folder...

> I was have this issue ~1 month ago on 2.9.x. Interestingly after few days this issue is gone. Then i upgraded to 2.10.x when it is released. As far...

Since we bound current instance to React component by using `useRef` I believe we can get rid of `getNewInstanceId`, `window` assignments and my HMR workarounds for StrictMode. We might need...

Keeping data in sync between server side render and client side hydration is one of the first requirements of server side rendered apps. That because nuxt implementation of composition api... Adding `externalLiveBindings: false,` in cjs output settings fixes the `TypeError: Cannot set property computed of # which has only a getter` error.

Works 👌 I'm trying to handle server side data with [getServerSideProps ]( It is works fine. But there is a weird error on globally shared refs. Steps to reproduce:

I think get it working on just-works branch. I move my data logic to `_app.js` to make it available on all page components. But the error above was still...

I don't know what is your question exactly about. Can you make it clear?

Move `setCount` to outside of `useEffect`, will throw error.