
Results 35 comments of sibbng

```ts // src/main.ts export const createApp = ViteSSG( App, { routes }, ({ app, router, routes, isClient, initialState }) => { app.config.compilerOptions.isCustomElement = tag => tag.startsWith('model-viewer') } ) ``` Or...

Probably it's an issue with Vite's import analysis. I made a plugin that removes `swiper/css` imports from the SSR bundle to allow `vite-ssg` to generate SSR pages successfully. ```ts //...

- I'm not happy about the way we patch `vue`. It does require `side-effects-cache=false` and `shamefully-hoist=true` in `.npmrc` file for pnpm. It would be nice to have a standalone build...

Hi, I've decided not to work on this function. The initial goal was to make an element resizable without the resize handlers in DOM. It worked, however, for such a...

You can add `.svx` extension in `include` option: ```ts UnoCSS({ mode: 'svelte-scoped', include: [/\.svelte$/, /\.svx$/], ``` In my opinion, we should add svx to default list. PRs welcome! Related code:...