
Results 35 comments of sibbng

> `setCount: (v) => (counter.value !== v && (counter.value = v))` No, this code will not work. It is not different than not using it. What React's not happy about...

> I can add tests for Solid if you'd like :) > > That said, I know that the setCurrentInstance was a blocker previously. I generally agree we should wait...

Now, `defineComponent` support omitting render function. So, you can return your React component within a `computed` and use your `ref`s directly without duplicating returned expression on render function. This is...

I believe this usage is can be done easily with `glob` and dynamic `import()` but if you are looking for simpler solution check out that: But looks like it...

This can't be on purpose. This is not how `:focus-visible` is supposed to work. Also if you clicked an `` or a `` before interacting with `Popover.Button`, this doesn't happen.

Removing the following lines fixes the issue. In my opinion these manual focus calls are unnecessary. If I click somewhere with my mouse, I know where my focus is going...

@wheatjs Thanks for your feedback. I pushed my latest "dirty updates". I use this function actively on my Tailwind playground. Soon I will update demo.vue with all intended use cases....

It would be better to see how you define your pinia store but I guess can do something like that. ```ts import { defineStore } from 'pinia' const useAuthStore= defineStore('authStore',...

There is nothing wrong with your approach to access pinia store in router hook. Only thing you have to avoid calling browser APIs in your `useAuthStore` store for build time....

Does it throw error when your stores like that? You shouldn't have any issue with this stores. I guess you removed the actual code that causes an issue.