
Results 35 comments of sibbng

Yeah, I got same error. I fixed this issue by adding `await router.isReady()` right before `router.beforeEach` call. Can you try it?

Probably you are trying to access pinia store before it's getting installed or; registered another router hook on other modules. Try putting `await router.isReady()` on `main.ts` like that: ```ts export...

You're welcome. If that router hooks defined in ngprogress module wrapped in `if` statement as [here](, the issue is not there 👍

Can you upgrade to latest version and try again without `router.isReady`. Seems related to

Try awaiting router only on server side with `if (!ctx.isClient)` ```ts export const createApp = ViteSSG( App, { routes }, async(ctx) => { if (!ctx.isClient) await ctx.router.isReady() // install all...

Error comes from newly installed package vue3-danmaku Try wrapping your component with client-only component: ```vue ```

Any code that depends on browser APIs like `document`, `window` should only be run on client side. ```js const isClient = typeof window !== 'undefined' if(isClient) { document.getElementById() const app...

It's an issue with critters This comment has workaround for it:

You're welcome, Your site looks cool 👌 Don't forget to close issue if your problem is solved 😉