David Peter

Results 781 comments of David Peter

@SaElAh Yours looks like a different problem with ANSI escape codes, not with unicode characters. Please search the issue tracker if this has been reported and open a new ticket...

I cannot reproduce this either. What is your locale? Maybe it's related to that? Seems like I don't even get Unicode characters in the first place: ``` ▶ LANG=C MANPAGER="sh...

Thank you for reporting this. Just to make sure: did you see the `--wrap` option? The following should hopefully work fine: ``` --style=header,grid,snip --wrap=never ```

Thank you for reporting this. I believe this is due to the fact that (after the first run) there is a subdirectory called `cache` in that folder. When calling `bat...

> So `bat` is attempting to see which arguments are a file, before parsing them as subcommands? Well, there is only one subcommand that `bat` has (`bat cache`). In hindsight,...

I seem to remember that @eth-p wanted to remove the `cache` subcommand quite early. That would have been the right call. Maybe it still would be - despite the breakage....

Alright. I'm also okay with this, if someone can detail how we design the new CLI. The `bat cache` subcommand has quite a few additional options that would need to...

Thank you for reporting this. Would you mind testing this with the latest `less` version? https://github.com/jftuga/less-Windows

@mk12: Only if you find the time and in case you are interested: could you take a look at this? Do you know why these themes could cause problems on...