David Peter

Results 781 comments of David Peter

FYI @rivy `raw_arg` has been stabilized for a while now: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/os/windows/process/trait.CommandExt.html#tymethod.raw_arg Someone with access to a Windows machine might be able to resolve this, ideally backed up by some new...

I'm inclined to revisit this idea. Mostly because we now have the option of running commands without an intermediate shell (`-N`/`--shell=none`). I am proposing the following stripped-down feature as a...

In the follow-up project for Insect, a lot of this is now possible. Users can define their own physical units (and dimensions). We also support some unit systems like Planck...

If someone thinks this is still important, please report a follow-up ticket in the Numbat project (the successor project of Insect): https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat

This is now resolved in Numbat: https://numbat.dev/?q=97.5+yd+-%3E+mi

Follow-up ticket for Numbat: https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat/issues/97

> Do you have any ideas how we could do that? I have not thought about it in detail, but I'm quite sure it's a highly nontrivial thing to do.

Follow-up ticket for Numbat: https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat/issues/179

If someone thinks this is still valuable, please file a new ticket in the follow-up project: https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat Numbat already supports multi-line inputs and multi-line pasting (#145), so implementing this in...

For the follow up project, https://numbat.dev/, we have a much better mobile version. It works fine for me on Firefox mobile. @bullbesh Does this error still appear for you on...