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base16 theme not working correctly with `less -R`

Open jcwillox opened this issue 3 years ago • 8 comments

Describe the bug you encountered:

The base16 and base16-256 themes do not work correctly when using less -R. I've tested this in PS5, PSCore (using Windows Terminal, and the native conhost terminals) and cmd.exe and they all have the same issue.

It turned out the issue was caused by bat using less -RF and setting BAT_PAGER to less -rF fixed the issue.

This issue seems to be more of an issue with running less on Windows, as the same version (but for linux) of less running in git-bash doesn't have this issue.

More generally, when using less on Windows it would help to set $env:LESS = "-r" so less accepts colours by default.


What did you expect to happen instead?


How did you install bat?


bat version and environment

Software version

bat 0.18.0

Operating system

Windows 6.2.9200


"C:\\Users\\Josh\\scoop\\apps\\bat\\current\\bat.exe" .vuerc --diagnostic

Environment variables

SHELL=<not set>
PAGER=<not set>
BAT_PAGER=<not set>
BAT_CACHE_PATH=<not set>
BAT_OPTS=<not set>
BAT_STYLE=<not set>
BAT_TABS=<not set>
BAT_THEME=<not set>
XDG_CACHE_HOME=<not set>
COLORTERM=<not set>
NO_COLOR=<not set>
MANPAGER=<not set>

Config file

# This is `bat`s configuration file. Each line either contains a comment or
# a command-line option that you want to pass to `bat` by default. You can
# run `bat --help` to get a list of all possible configuration options.

--map-syntax ".ignore:Git Ignore"
--map-syntax ".vuerc:JSON"

Compile time information

  • Profile: release
  • Target triple: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  • Family: windows
  • OS: windows
  • Architecture: x86_64
  • Pointer width: 64
  • Endian: little
  • CPU features: fxsr,sse,sse2
  • Host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

Less version

> less --version
less 563 (Spencer V8 regular expressions)
Copyright (C) 1984-2020  Mark Nudelman

less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
For information about the terms of redistribution,
see the file named README in the less distribution.
Home page:

jcwillox avatar Mar 04 '21 13:03 jcwillox

Thank you for reporting this. Would you mind testing this with the latest less version?

sharkdp avatar May 11 '21 18:05 sharkdp

Sure, just tested it with the latest version of less and unfortunately it still produces the same result

jcwillox avatar May 12 '21 05:05 jcwillox

@mk12: Only if you find the time and in case you are interested: could you take a look at this? Do you know why these themes could cause problems on Windows (using less -R)?

sharkdp avatar May 13 '21 09:05 sharkdp


less -r passes through all control characters, whereas less -R only allows ANSI color escape sequences and OSC 8 hyperlink sequences. I'm guessing that less -R is being too conservative here.

@jcwillox, could you test the following:

  1. Does this have color? printf '\x1b[91mBRIGHT RED\x1b[0m' | less -R
  2. Does this have color? printf '\x1b[38;5;9mBRIGHT RED\x1b[0m' | less -R
  3. Does echo $LESSANSIMIDCHARS print anything?


Here are the escape sequences we use:

  • ANSI colors 0-7
    • Basically everything supports these
    • foreground \x1b[30m through \x1b[37m
    • background \x1b[40m through \x1b[47m
  • ANSI colors 8-15 (bright versions of 0-7)
    • foreground \x1b[90m through \x1b[97m
    • background \x1b[100m through \x1b[107m
  • The whole 256-color ANSI palette
    • First 16 are the basic colors & bright variants above
    • All user configurable, though rare to do so (besides the first 16)
    • foreground \x1b[38;5;Nm where N is 0-255
    • background \x1b[48;5;Nm where N is 0-255

As noted in, ansi_term doesn't support emitting the bright colors via the 90-97 and 100-107 codes, so we use Fixed instead which produces the 38;5/48;5 codes:

The screenshots show false and true not being highlighted, which use bright red in the base16 theme. So my hunch is that less -R is not passing through \x1b[38;5;9 (but possibly would pass through \x1b[91m).

If we fix ansi_term to allow 90-97/100-107 codes, it would enable support for terminals that have bright colors but not full 256-bit color, and possibly fix this issue. But only for base16. The base16-256 theme makes 8-15 identical to 0-7, and instead shoves the extra colors in 16-21, which can only be set using the 38;5/48;5 codes.

From in the source for less 581.2:

       Like -r, but only ANSI "color" escape sequences and OSC 8 hyper-
       link sequences are output in "raw" form.  Unlike -r, the  screen
       appearance  is  maintained correctly, provided that there are no
       escape sequences in the file other than these  types  of  escape
       sequences.   Color  escape sequences are only supported when the
       color is changed within one line, not across  lines.   In  other
       words,  the beginning of each line is assumed to be normal (non-
       colored), regardless of any escape sequences in previous  lines.
       For the purpose of keeping track of screen appearance, these es-
       cape sequences are assumed to not move the cursor.

       OSC 8 hyperlinks are sequences of the form:

            ESC ] 8 ; ... \7

       The terminating sequence may be either a BEL character  (\7)  or
       the two-character sequence "ESC \".

       ANSI color escape sequences are sequences of the form:

            ESC [ ... m

       where  the "..." is zero or more color specification characters.
       You can make less think that characters other than "m"  can  end
       ANSI  color escape sequences by setting the environment variable
       LESSANSIENDCHARS to the list of characters which can end a color
       escape  sequence.   And  you can make less think that characters
       other than the standard ones may appear between the ESC and  the
       m  by  setting  the environment variable LESSANSIMIDCHARS to the
       list of characters which can appear.

And from line.c:

	mid_ansi_chars = lgetenv("LESSANSIMIDCHARS");
	if (isnullenv(mid_ansi_chars))
		mid_ansi_chars = "0123456789:;[?!\"'#%()*+ ";

So it would seem 38;5/48;5 codes should be let through by default.

mk12 avatar May 13 '21 17:05 mk12

  1. Yes
  2. Interestingly this is not coloured in less
  3. Empty

So it would seem that less isn't handling ANSI-256 correctly on Windows, but ANSI-16 works fine.

Another very broken example this "\x1b[38;5;33mIM BLUE\x1b[0m" which produces image

instead of image

jcwillox avatar May 15 '21 02:05 jcwillox

This issue still exists with bat 0.24 and latest less for windows (including the master branch).

For reference, the issue is that the base16 theme produces 256-colors escape sequences like \e[38;5;8m, but less -R on Windows uses an internal SGR processor (to translate SGR to windows colors), and this doesn't currently support 256-color sequences. It also doesn't currently support the bright-only AIX-term SGR values of 9x and 10x, like \e[93m.

There exists a solution on windows 10+ only, by using less -R -Da. This bypass the internal SGR processor, and passthrough the escape sequences directly to the terminal, which, on windows 10 and later, does support 256-color sequences (as well as SGR 9x and 10x).

Using less -r (instead of less -R -Da) is not recommended, as it makes it harder for less to calculate the line length, and also passthrough non-SGR escape sequences, which is typically undesirable.

There's a plan to improve the SGR processing on Windows with less -R so that -Da would not be required, while also accepting a wider range of SGR sequences (including 256-color, AIX-term bright-only, and more), but for now it only supports attributes (bold, italic, etc) and the 8 colors in 3x and 4x.

However, IMHO the bigger issue is not specific to less on Windows, but rather that the base16 theme produces 256-color sequences, and I'd think it's preferable if it only used the normal 8 colors (SGR 3x, 4x) and bold (and preferably avoid italic/underline, because not all terminals support it, and it also kinda doesn't fit conceptually with what sounds like a basic 16 colors theme).

This would make the base16 requirement much more basic, and would guarantee it works on a wider range of terminals.

As far as I can tell, after only a cursory examination of base16 output, it only uses \e[38;5;8m and \e[38;5;9m (bright black and bright red), which should work similar enough with \e[30;1m and \e[31;1m, respectively (and similarly, replacing all the other 38;5;<8-15> with 1;3<0-7>, assuming it only applies to fg colors, or also 1;4<0-7> if it needs bg too).

It's "similar enough" and not necessarily identical for two reasons:

  • It doesn't have enough "resolution" to render bright bg with normal fg, or vice-versa, because "bold" (SGR 1) is not specific to the fg or bg.
  • Not all terminals render the bold attribute as [also] brighter colors, though "bold black" is, as far as I know, universally rendered as gray, and "bold red" should be distinguishable from normal red (and same for the other colors). If one wants to really be on the safe side, then avoid "bold black" too.

Would you consider simplifying the base16 theme so that it only produces SGR 1, 3x, 4x ?

Or maybe create a variant of it which adheres to these limitations (ansi16?)?

Or maybe add an option to ensure that the output only uses such sequences?

avih avatar Apr 03 '24 09:04 avih

@avih We can’t reduce base16 to fewer colors because bat doesn’t define base16, it’s an existing spec. However, bat already has another theme called ansi which is exactly what you want, unless I’m missing something. Did you try that?

mk12 avatar Apr 03 '24 14:04 mk12

bat already has another theme called ansi which is exactly what you want, unless I’m missing something. Did you try that?

Right. I have been using base16 (with the conversion hack below) for a long while, and have either forgot about the ansi theme, or missed it. ansi is indeed a good solution, which does look similar to base16, though comments are in green, while base16 has gray comments, which subjectively I find nicer (I'm sure one could customize a theme, but I haven't tried).

Nevertheless, the ansi theme should be a good alternative.

We can’t reduce base16 to fewer colors because bat doesn’t define base16, it’s an existing spec

Right. I wasn't aware of it being a spec. That being said, at least in my use cases, and as far as I noticed, the base16 theme does produce nearly pure ansi output (SGR 1, 3x, 4x) with the exception of bright black and bright red which use 256-color sequences (to use a bright variant of the normal 8 colors).

For future reference, this sh script invokes bat with base16 theme and converts the bright-8-as-256-sequence which base16 produces, to bold ansi sequences, and I've not noticed issues with it (sh and sed can be found in msys2, git-for-windows, busybox-w32, and others):
# bat-base16-ansi: use bat with base16 theme but produce ansi output.
# The "base16" bat theme produces nearly standard ANSI output (SGR 1, 3x, 4x),
# except that it uses 256 color sequences for bright variant of some of the
# normal 8 colors, so convert those to bold ANSI colors.
# Note that this is intended for non-interactive output, like a pipe
# E.g. bat-base16-ansi -p file.c | less -R

# convert bright 8 colors as 256-color sequences to bold ansi sequences:
#    \e[<3/4>8;5;<8-15>m  ->  \e[1;<3/4><0-7>m
c256to16() {
    ESC=$(printf \\033)
    for x in 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
        set -- "$@" -e "s/$ESC\[\([34]\)8;5;${x}m/$ESC[1;\1$((x-8))m/g"
    sed "$@"

bat -f --theme=base16 "$@" | c256to16

And as a reminder about the original issue of base16 with less -R on windows: use less -R -Da (works on win10+) to solve the issue, and hopefully in the future -Da would not be required.

avih avatar Apr 04 '24 11:04 avih