David Peter

Results 781 comments of David Peter

Just saw this by chance. You might be interested in this: https://github.com/sharkdp/fd/blob/master/src/lscolors/mod.rs

The `lscolors` module has been moved into a separate crate in the meantime: https://crates.io/crates/lscolors

I would also vote for this. It should be as simple as running `cargo publish` from the root (after logging into crates.io once: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/publishing.html#before-your-first-publish).

as-tree is available on the AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/as-tree/), so I think this ticket can be closed.

We ran into the same issue. I can confirm that particles appear at exactly z=0. Unfortunately, I didn't find a workaround for our use case (I want the particles to...

Thank you for the detailed bug report. The reason is probably that `bat` (in order to apply the [`content_inspector` heuristic of detecting binary files](https://dev.to/sharkdp/what-is-a-binary-file-2cf5)) reads the full first *line* instead...

> Hello, thank you for your awesome works on `bat` ! Thank you for the feedback! > So it will be great the `bat` can provide an argument to overwirte...

@jetzerb `bat` will never colorize the background. The background-colorized patches should actually be *italic*, but it seems like your terminal does not support that. Can you please make sure that:...

> Oh, looks like this has something to do with tmux...If I detach from tmux, I see italic text instead of reverse text. Google leads me [here](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/blob/2.1/FAQ#L355-L383). I'll have to...

@jetzerb Thank you very much for quoting this here. We should add this to the https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#troubleshooting section in the README.