David Peter

Results 781 comments of David Peter

Thank you for looking into this. I don't think the problem is severe enough to require urgent fixing - so we can take our time to find a good solution....

> Need to find all the files and folders in my media library _not_ containing the text `265`, so that I can get a list of movies that I want...

We currently do not support aarch64. If someone has access to an aarch64 platform and can help with this, that would be very much appreciated.

Your post is referring to both aarch64-unknown-linux-**musl** and aarch64-unknown-linux-**gnu**. Are you sure that's not the problem? What exactly are you trying to do?

I was confused. Somehow thought that this issue was about the new Apple Silicon hardware. Of course we support aarch64 (recent master run: https://github.com/sharkdp/fd/actions/runs/3494917553/jobs/5851137192). So maybe the problem is with...

To be honest, I'm rather leaning towards declining this feature request. But see #400 for a discussion on a more generic version of this.

Thank you. It looks like this is a problem in a dependency (binutils). Do you think it should be reported upstream?

I agree we should fix this rather sooner than later, especially if we want to revert the breaking change. > I think the two options are: > * Add an...