Sebastian Dröge

Results 139 issues of Sebastian Dröge

I've tried porting some of my combine-based code from version 3.8.1 to 4.0.1 and it now takes very long to compile (I stopped the build after one minute). Previously it...

See summary, ideally this should also allow defining which interface should be used Thanks for working on this library :)

This for example is a `[[bans.skip]]` [around line 30]( and nothing around line 1. ``` warning: skipped crate was not encountered ┌─ /home/slomo/Projects/rust/gst-plugin-rs/deny.toml:1:1 │ 1 │ [advisories] │ ^ no...


All relevant when doing your own widgets. The first two especially if they're not just container widgets, the latter specially for container widgets.


This prevents uploading them without `--no-verify`. gtk3-macros and glib-macros don't have such a problem. ```console $ cargo publish Updating index Packaging gtk4-macros v0.4.1 (/home/slomo/Projects/rust/gtk-rs/gtk4-rs/gtk4-macros) Verifying gtk4-macros v0.4.1 (/home/slomo/Projects/rust/gtk-rs/gtk4-rs/gtk4-macros) error:...


Main known issue is related to disposed but not finalized widgets, which would happen when e.g. their surrounding window is closed. Calling anything on such widgets might crash or do...

help wanted

@GuillaumeGomez Seems like you forgot to add these :)

* [ ] atk * [ ] gdk * [ ] gdkx11 * [ ] gtk CC @bilelmoussaoui @GuillaumeGomez @sophie-h

help wanted

It should probably run something like `cargo build --all-targets --all-features` for the examples. All examples that require special features are currently not built, and the `listbox_model` example doesn't build currently...
