Sebastian Dröge

Results 139 issues of Sebastian Dröge

See CC @bilelmoussaoui


…t thread-default `MainContext` ---- CC @elmarco @pbor @A6GibKm

Currently it doesn't check that the value is valid UTF-8, which is unfortunately not guaranteed as `G_TYPE_STRING` is used for both strings and filenames/paths. CC @bilelmoussaoui


E.g. the following should fail ```rust #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, glib::Enum)] #[enum_type(name = "MyEnum", nullable)] ``` Only `name` is valid in that context.

good first issue

C code that gets such unknown enum values might do anything. Not sure how we should handle this. Maybe: ```rust #[non_exhaustive] pub enum Foo { A, B, C, Unknown(i32), //...

This way strings can be passed to such functions without explicit `Option` wrapping, see ---- CC @jf2048 @fengalin Not sure if we want this change already for this release

``` error[E0446]: crate-private type `Conn, | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't leak crate-private type ... 17 | pub(crate) enum Conn` declared as crate-private error[E0446]: crate-private type `Conn { | ------------------------ `Conn