Sebastian Dröge

Results 139 issues of Sebastian Dröge

File available from This is an AV1 version of I was quite certain that this is a bug in dav1d but... I can't reproduce it with dav1dplay (from...

This is with latest openwebrtc from master. With 0.3 release it works fine on the same device. It seems like the camera itself works and captures but the output is...

This would be needed for using videoconvert and videoscale properly on iOS, as it's impossible to allocate executable memory on iOS nowadays for Apple reasons. is about this issue...

``` 04-13 14:33:57.188 18398 18435 E EventSource: SSE: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused 04-13 14:33:57.188 18398 18435 W System.err: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused 04-13 14:33:57.189 18398 18435 W System.err:...

Fails because GTK 4.14 uses GLES now by default. Can be worked around by `GDK_DEBUG=gl-disable-gles`. Problem is that the GLSL shader used in the example is using version 1.40 but...


First of all, thanks for the effort of writing all this and releasing it! It would be good if the video encoders/decoder would use the GstVideoEncoder and GstVideoDecoder base classes....

Currently many user-provided fields are not validated.

Simply splitting on commas/etc is going to get confused by the same character inside quoted strings.

Currently it does not provide any further information about what failed where and why. It would be good to introduce a custom nom error type that provides useful information.
