Alexander Schrode

Results 177 comments of Alexander Schrode

@swamper123 maybe this recent patch helps here: #947.

You have to to add the parameter: `strict_mode=False` So this should be the call: `await server.import_xml(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "nodeset", "Opc.Ua.PlasticsRubber.GeneralTypes.NodeSet2.xml"), strict_mode=False)` Then all errors are converted to warnings. Maybe this helps to...

I checked it and found the following: 1. ExtensionObjects: the xml endcoding is only a stub that works for basic types. So there are some errors that needs to be...

First of for such kind of problems it is always good to check your addresspace via a testclient such as UAExpert. My therory is that your namespace index is not...

First of the namespace ids in nodeset are relative. So 1 just means its using the first namespace in the nodeset xml. Othwise it would be impossible to load multiple...

Importing multiple xml is supported, maybe there is something else wrong. It would be easier if you could post a sample xml file so I can check what is going...

It is possible to import multiple XML models. But they either should have their own namespace or at least no colliding Nodeids, which can be tricky with UaModeller. Also another...

To support ExtensionObjects or custom python structs in xml, we need to implement the whole data encoding for xml ( This not a trivial task, see which implements the...

I tested get_node_children against our server it is working correct. As I don't have access to a Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server, can you provide a extended stack trace or...