Alexander Schrode

Results 177 comments of Alexander Schrode

There is a open pr: Maybe you can test it.

You can use .PEM, you just have to add a '\n' at the end of the ByteString. ``` UA_ByteString loadCertificate(const std::string& cert, bool pem) { UA_ByteString certificate = UA_STRING_NULL; FILE...

You need to add a "\0" to your string like: ``` UA_ByteString certificate; char cert[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "MIID0TCCArmDQEBCwUAMDwxFzAVBgNV\n" "BAMMDmp1YW5nYnVyZ29zIENBMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhqdWFuZ2J1cmdvcyBPcmdhbml6\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\0"; = (UA_Byte*)cert; certificate.length = sizeof(cert) / sizeof(cert[0]);...

This library is not supported anymore (#1475). Try to migrate to asyncua and if the bug still exists we will look into it in asyncua.

Automatic reconnecting is on my list for upcoming features. 1. With the current state this code is your best bet to handle connection lose: ```Python client = Client(...) while 1:...

Without a nodeset there isn't much I can do to help here. My guess is that ns=2;i=1002 is missing or is not inserted because of another error.

I think the problem is, that in opc ua a string is not a python string. Because a ua.String can be Null(None), empty('') or any str content. So if we...

There is a test for it , but it doesn't use a struct so no no linter will find this. Here is decoder/encoder:

No need to create an other class just use one of the auto generated ua class: ``` async def test_custom_struct_with_string_import(opc): my_struct_src: ua.IdentityMappingRuleType= ua.IdentityMappingRuleType() data = extensionobject_to_binary(my_struct_src) my_struct_dst= extensionobject_from_binary( ua.utils.Buffer(data)) assert...

If it is only typing, than neither `class String:` nor `class String(str):` gives us something, because either None or str is broken in typing. Also the same case with string...