Alexander Schrode

Results 177 comments of Alexander Schrode

client.check_connection doesn't return any value. It just throws a exception if there is a error. So conStatus is always None and you will reconnect which triggers an exception.

First try to use the current pip version. Also make sure you call client.disconnect every time, even in case of exceptions. Also reduce the session timeout, to do this you...

You have to update the library, because in our version are some bugs that prevent a correct disconnect.

Ok I see the patch wasn't in 0.9.95. So best way is to install the master instead of pip: pip install git+

Which server you are connecting? Because it looks like a server side bug. Because as of [specs]( the server should return his certificate not a chain: serverCertificate | ApplicationInstanceCertificate |...

I don't know if this patch is a good idea. Because it expands the xmlimport/export madness, because it just implements random bits from the xml data encoding. Instead we should...

The test should be sufficient. The tests aren't independent they all use the same server to reduce the time needed to execute the tests. Otherwise we would waste a lot...

Maybe PF has some trace capabilities, which can give a glue what is not working.

A minimal code, stacktrace and log output would be nice to help you.