Alexander Schrode

Results 177 comments of Alexander Schrode

A secure channel can outlive a a session. Also a secure channel can have multiple sessions (our client doesn't support that). Currently we are missing reconnecting strategies so there it...

The error is in the nodeset, correct nodesets should always add an object to self.server.nodes.namespaces, which contains the these values.

Don't think they are invalid. The just missing information. All nodesets i know off, add these informations. Maybe we could add the informations when they are missing, because they are...

then you are using a old version, master should use 1.04.10 from 2021. Added a check if the objects in namespaces exists, otherwise add them to the addressspace. See #971

The xmlexport is a bit rough. The problem is, that currently only small subset of the xml encoding is supported. To support every value a node can have, we must...

The code is used in client and server. So it should just named privatekey or pk.

I didn't touch all that cryto stuff, if you can provide a pr with `local_cert` and `local_pk` this would be nice. Also this is the same for other SecurityPolicys.

Maybe you can try out #980?

@SharonBrizinov #1023 should have fixed the issue. Otherwise reopen the issue and contact me, I have an email in my gh profile.

There isn't any change, DataTypes are always NodeIds, there are no Enums behind it. Maybe you have a minimal example?