Alexander Schrode

Results 177 comments of Alexander Schrode

I did't find the pull request thats why i closed i unplaned

Should be fixed in current version, otherwise reopen issue.

Should be an easy fix we just make an alias for `Enumeration = ua.Int32 ` For a workaround add this before connecting: `ua.Enumeration = ua.Int32`

Do you have a full trace? Because the error hints that the secure channel was closed or never established correct before _renew_channel_loop is called.

Also would be helpfull to know which server/SDK/toolkit is used. Or if there is a public test server available to test against.

Is fixed in current test setup

This pr has nothing todo with the clientside. Alarms/Condition on the client side is dead simple and can be fully used. My guess is that you got wrong nodeids, because...