Sidney Batchelder
Sidney Batchelder
During video annotation, localisations are currently ordered by index. An option to use a re-ordered index list should be available, such that localisations are ordered according to their video-frame's ID...
Currently the only way to move media from one folder to another is through the REST API. Moving media between folders (single entity or in-bulk) from the Media Gallery interface...
When during video annotation, and particularly using FrameSeek: Auto, the zoom controls are not intuitive. Here are some additional zoom behaviors that would enhance user experience. - Zoom resets when...
My users would like Frame Seek to be set to Auto (not manual) by default, or at the very least to not have to manually toggle it back from "manual"...
From the Media Gallery View, clicking on an Image MediaType media brings user to the Annotation View for the image, but the image does not appear. Browser console log for...
I expect `` to bring up the specified *State* interface but instead the Localization / ROI interface gets displayed. The State panel DOES load in first, for a split second,...
The ability to autocomplete str type custom attributes based on a LeafType is good, but can still allow for errors or mispellings. It also doesn't allow for a dropdown of...
A new gallery view that allows users to review a grid of video-media frames. This gallery should be filterable by media-attributes, Frame-state attributes and by Localization. Eg if a frame...
Localizations often have attributes that are shared between all Localizations from the same media frame, regardless of version. For example Depth, and other water-properties. Instead of assigning these values to...
My users want more annotator view zooming options. * Scroll wheel zoom, with middle click to zoom all the way back out * Center-box zoom with maintained aspect-ratio, where the...