Sidney Batchelder
Sidney Batchelder
When making edits on the "Corrections" view, an action-taken notification pops up which has to be clicked on to dismiss appears. This necessitates a user to have to make an...
It'd be nice to have a "Saved Filters" option in analytics Localizations/Corrections gallery pages, similar to the "Saved Searches" feature from the project Media Gallery page.
On Correction view, after editing a localization such that it no longer qualifies for the current filter parameters (eg changing it's class), reloading the page or re-running the search will...
It'd be nice to be able perform filter queries where `!=` is an option alongside `==` Our use-case is to find all localizations who's `_modified_by` is NOT `user_x` This feature...
Modifying Enum attribute of a Localization fails on the Project Settings interface (see images below) I've found that the only reliable way to do this is view the REST API....
To improve experience on the Localizations/Corrections views, my users asked if it would be possible to pre-load the "Next" pagination page ahead to time to avoid waiting having to wait...
It's great that we can filter Media and Localizations but sometimes what you really need is to be able to sort them according to a user or built-in attribute. Feature...
When a user edits a localization in the Analytics Corrections or Localizations gallery view, it would be nice to have immediate visual feedback on the localization that was edited. This...
User Attributes on Localisations have a toggle field named `Visible` that affects whether that attribute is displayed in the Annotation and Analytics and Filter views. Consider creating a user-accessible `Visible`...
The analytics Localisations and Corrections views share enough similarities that their functionality could be merged to a single review view. This one view should have the same shared features (Gallery...