Results 41 comments of Serge Aleynikov

Did you get a chance to look at the patch?

Yes, apparently something got broken with message decoding in recent commits. While looking at it briefly (running `test-node` with `-v trace`, I noticed that the decoded Pids and Refs have...

``` $ erl -sname a & $ build/src/test-node -n b -r a@zeos -v message INFO | SEND cntrl={6,#Pid,'',rex}, msg={#Pid,{call,erlang,now,[],user}} INFO | SEND cntrl={6,#Pid,'',rex}, msg={'$gen_cast',{cast,io,put_chars,["This is a test string"],#Pid}} INFO |...

Apparently it got broken at some point in the past. Maybe due to upgrading boost or some other bug. Will need to explore it more when I have time. Though...

I would much rather get rid of the dependency on ASIO entirely in favor of Networking TS or networking coroutines.

Yes, possibly either that or implementation based on C++20 coroutines.

Does is not happen when optimization is disabled?

@ferd, as far as I understand `rebar_mix` is designed to handle compilation of complete Elixir applications, whereas in my case I only need to include a single Elixir file in...

I found something interesting that may lead to a clue. If I have application `one`, which has Erlang and Elixir source files under `src` dir, and application `two`, that has...