Results 41 comments of Serge Aleynikov

Actually, I think I figured it out: ``` $ cat ~/.vim/ftplugin/erlang.vim setlocal makeprg=TERM=dumb\ make ```

@garazdawi, please take a look as [this example](, where I implemented the function [dlopen_mem]( that is an equivalent of `dlopen()` but loads shared object from memory. Maybe you'll find it...

I don't think this problem is .NET specific. On Linux the way to interrupt a blocking accept(3) without killing the thread that executes it is to send a signal to...

Not sure if this is somehow related to my last commit as pty seemed to have worked before. Running without `pty` gives expected output: ``` 1> exec:start([debug]). {ok,} 2> exec:run("for...

I just added missing debug logging of PTY redirect, and it does highlight the issue: ``` 2> exec:run("for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done", [stdout,stderr,sync]). Redirecting [stdin -> null]...

If that's the case, then exec.cpp should perform validation of stdout/stderr input options and perform error reporting if [pty,stdout,stderr] are given as well as enable stderr to stdout redirect by...

It seems to be a know issue/feature that tty multiplexes stdout and stderr into a single stream.

Since there has been no activity here, I [detached the fork](, and published it under [typedstruct](

> @saleyn your new repo does not have the ability to open issues, which could be useful if it becomes the new upstream Corrected

It doesn't look like the current implementation is correct in this regard as it doesn't guarantee the atomicity of acquiring the lock and saving the pid of the caller that...