Results 34 issues of Serge Aleynikov

The functions now allow to specify options: [help | {skip, [Name::atom()]}] ``` help - instructs getopt:check/3 to return 'help' when "-h" command line option is given and option specification contains...

Have you tried concurrent access to the memory mapped file from two shells? ``` erlang 43> os:cmd("cat /dev/shm/test"). "3\n1\n7\n8\n4\n5\n" 44> f(Mem), {ok, Mem} = emmap:open("/dev/shm/test", [read, write, shared, nolock, nocache])....

Fixed one if branch that may result in uninitialized position variable

The library seems to be missing a function to save a PEM private key encrypted by password. It can read a PEM-encrypted key from file, but not save it.

I have an Erlang project that includes one Elixir `*.ex` file in the `src` directory alongside with `*.erl` files. I added this line to compile it: ``` {pre_hooks, [{erlc_compile, "elixirc...

### Environment ### ``` $ rebar3 report Rebar3 report version 3.16.1+build.5052.refa575f0e5 generated at 2021-08-11T14:10:35+00:00 ================= Please submit this along with your issue at (and feel free to edit out...

Implement case-sensitive command-line options parsing


This version is slightly behind the head version of xxHash. Are you planning to update?