Results 177 comments of Ryan Hanson

Thanks! Can you try v3.0.10 (beta) and let me know if it fixes the issue?

Thanks! The bug fix that went into v3.0.9 was a workaround for a macOS bug that caused glitchy behavior in table views in other parts of macOS and other apps....

Anyone up for trying out another beta?

@FL0R1AN84, it's likely that Magnet never accounted for the initial macOS issue that caused the switch in how snap by dragging is handled. In v3.0.11, I included a way to...

Ah, thanks - didn't catch that edge case. I'll plan a fix for this soon.

There's nothing I'm aware of within Rectangle Pro that would cause this behavior. By "fullscreen", I'm assuming you are referring to Rectangle Pro making the window the size of the...

Sorry for the late response here. In short, this is due to the content of those windows not operating with the Accessibility API in macOS. I'll see if I can...

Good feedback; sorry for the delayed response. The Snap Panel has a lot of items that I'd like to fix on it, so I'll take a look at these at...

Thanks for the feedback. I've got an item for this on my backlog, and I'll give it your +1.

Sorry for the delayed response, but thank you for thoroughly going through the list. In my next Rectangle Pro sprint, I will go back through this list and make sure...