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[Feature Request]Snap Panel Custom Preview Optimize

Open uclort opened this issue 7 months ago • 1 comments

Xnip2024-01-02_14-43-55 Xnip2024-01-02_14-44-15

1. I hope the custom size preview in the Snap Panel can be consistent with the preset previews to maintain aesthetics. The current default preview is too unattractive and not intuitive. If there are many custom sizes, it's also hard to distinguish between them.

2. I would like the Snap Panel to include combination shortcuts. The Snap Panel should only be displayed when pressing a specific function key. This is similar to the desire to coordinate with the Move shortcut in Window Throw, to prevent accidental activation of the Snap Panel when dragging something to the top of the screen.

uclort avatar Jan 02 '24 06:01 uclort

Good feedback; sorry for the delayed response. The Snap Panel has a lot of items that I'd like to fix on it, so I'll take a look at these at that time.

rxhanson avatar Jan 15 '24 05:01 rxhanson