Results 486 comments of Ryan Hanson

Thanks for reporting. It could just be that you need to restart your Mac one more time after the macOS update. You could try that first, or try the following...

Here's a couple more things to do: In the About window, select Debug -> Show Viewer... If no viewer window appears, then we know that the issue is still macOS...

Use Private Framework will get trackpad touch events from a different location within macOS. Most users have less issues with the supported API, but every once in a while the...

Thanks for the feedback. I'll have to give this some thought as it starts down a path that would add more complexity to the UI.

Sorry for the month delay. I was never able to reproduce this. Do you still have this issue?

Sorry for the delayed response, I'll fix this one for the next release. Thanks for letting me know!

Ok, this release with the fix is out now (1.8.5). Let me know if you still see any issues here. Also, thanks for the heads up on Charmstone. I'll take...

Rectangle has no way to resize a window smaller than its minimum width, unfortunately. I've considered adding some visual feedback to communicate this, but found it rather annoying. With that...

Thanks for the update. LanguageTool is likely adjusting one of the accessibility parameters to read text from browsers. I don't have a workaround at this time.

@cgrs Thanks! I'm glad you pieced that together since I didn't.