Ruth Hammond
Ruth Hammond
--> ## What Look at the different options that are available to gather information about our users ## Why So we have a better understanding of who is using the...
--> ## What Discuss as a team what's the worst that can happen ## Why Allows us to think about the worst case scenario and what we could do to...
## What A rota for the Prototype Kit that includes all team members. - Each person does 2 consecutive days of support - Non technical people have a technical person...
## What Comms to explain how the Prototype Kit will be supported ## Why So users know what to expect when they ask for support ## Who needs to work...
## What Investigate whether it would be possible to automate the weekly (Tuesday) logging of: - the number of npm downloads of the Kit - the Github repos using the...
### Current sprint goals - [x] Finalise blog - [ ] Publish new about us section - [ ] Create testing tools for plugin authors - [ ] Complete spike...
## What Investigate and complete a technical review of the potential options for our new website. The frontrunner is currently 11ty, but what are other GDS teams using? The Design...
## What Review the home-office-kit plugin and provide feedback, including things that we think need to be changed. Linked to PR #2135 ## Why So the plugin authors know what...
**What** Write a draft of a blog about user research activities **Why** Not everyone knows about the Kit or about new versions of the Kit. Some users do not think...
## What We investigate how the NHS fork of the Kit has been built. What features there are and why. Also considering how these features might be used by other...