Russ Cam

Results 80 comments of Russ Cam

Generating HTML hasn't been implemented. The library is super alpha, rough and really not ready for production use. It was written to fill a need of patching existing asciidoc files...

It would be awesome if it could but looking through the tests, they look to be tightly integrate with Asciidoctor's implementation. Porting them over could be an option

@jbaehr would you be interested in helping port them over? I'm implementing table parsing at the moment and tidying up the codebase (it needs some ❤️)

I'm familiar with Markdig, particularly like the string slicing and avoidance of regular expressions 😄 Would be keen to leverage as much as possible and reduce the burden on re-implementing...

Needed for

Is the API referred to at, now the upsert points API at

For reference, the generated query is ```json { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "term": { "don't": { "value": "change" } } }], "must": [{ "bool": { "filter": [{ "match_all":...

Hi @nesterenko-kv > when pulling data from the database asynchronously, it requires to load data completely into memory in order to use synchronous enumeration (IEnumerable), The `IEnumerable` implementation passed to...

@gregkalapos is this something that is still of use to implement?

To resolve this, should 1. `FullFrameworkConfigReader` pass a value of `production` for `defaultEnvironmentName` in the call to the base ctor? or 2. `AbstractConfigurationReader` return `production` when `kv` inside `ParseEnvironment` is...