Russ Cam

Results 80 comments of Russ Cam

@willsilvano This could be a candidate using the profiler auto instrumentation approach: #1534. I'm not overly familiar with the Cassandra C# driver, but from a cursory look, `session.Execute()` and `session.ExecuteAsync()`...

On the surface, it seems like this issue might be better directed to MongoDB, since it is the driver that has the dependency?

Good point @matheus-inacio. This one's a little awkward with how Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll is intended to work. Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll takes dependencies on all other packages that can subscribe diagnostic listeners, which includes Elastic.Apm.MongoDb,...

With [dotnet retire deprecated](, I thought I'd see what `dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive` listed for Elastic.Apm.MongoDb: ``` > dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive The following sources were used:

@no1ross instrumenting WCF more generally is something that we could tackle with profiler auto instrumentation: #1534, [instrumenting around `ChannelHandler`'s `HandleRequest` method](,940)

Related: I suggest we remove the `dynamic` label from the docs for now.

Thanks for opening @oleschoenburg. I agree that transactions would be more useful by capturing additional information. The ServiceBus integration is achieved through a diagnostic listener. The diagnostic events written by...

Thanks for opening, @SebZal - I've added a note to have a chat about these in our weekly sync

Hi @stefannikolei, no new news to report; haven't forgotten about this, but needing to prioritize other items at present. We've been talking recently about the ability to send custom metrics...

Hi @lafriks, Not exactly what you're asking for, but there is the [`Enabled` property in 1.7.0+]( that can be used to control whether the agent is enabled or not. When...