Russ Cam

Results 35 issues of Russ Cam

The logic inside `Parser` is a bit of a mess - it works for the most part but could do with some refactoring - [x] Unify top level process loop...

help wanted

Tables are currently not supported and will throw a [`NotImplementedException`](

help wanted

It seems that one cannot use the Up/Down keys with the options list when also using `data-live-search="true"` Is this a known issue?

A `nested` query has to be marked `Verbatim`, even when its `query` is marked `Verbatim`, because the conditionless check on the `nested` query does not take into account the `query`...


How assemblies are loaded is defined by the runtime host when it loads the runtime into a process. In some scenarios where there can be multiple AppDomains in a process,...


In its current form, `DistributedTracingData` only exposes traceparent and **not** tracestate, and provides a method to create `DistributedTracingData` only from traceparent. The Elastic APM agents may be used with other...


Relates: We have several sample applications within the `/sample` directory that can be used to demonstrate different APM agent integrations, but we don't currently have a sample that demonstrates...


.NET APM agent packages currently use the same version for `AssemblyVersion` and `AssemblyFileVersion` . Take for example Elastic.Apm 1.7.1: ``` [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Elastic and contributors")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("2020 Elasticsearch BV")]...


Proximity placement groups achieve co-location of Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources with low network latency. See for more details. The ARM template has historically used Availability Sets...


The ARM template allows for the deployment of - Elasticsearch cluster - An optional single instance of Kibana - Optional multiple instances of Logstash To allow for APM agents to...
