Rik Huijzer

Results 128 comments of Rik Huijzer

This issue appears to be unrelated to Pluto and multiple solutions have been offered, so I'll close this.

> Thanks for bringing up this subject again! I also have good experience with it on MacOS, which OS are you using Rik? I'm have been using it on three...

Before going on a wild-goose chase, one quick question. Are you sure that connecting to the outside world is still possible apart from SSH? So does `ping` work for...

> Does this improve launch time? (@rikhuijzer can you use the new benchmark system to test this?) Hard to tell since this branch isn't up-to-date with `main`. I've manually added...

@essenciary I'll contact you on Slack/Zulip to schedule a meeting. I think that's the quickest way to answer your questions

> It doesn't seem to have the same effect as precompiling a custom image... how can we confirm that things get done? That's correct. `PackageCompiler.jl` will have a greater effect....

> Is there any way to check/measure if/how much was precompiled? You can verify whether method `f` was precompiled by checking `methods(f)[1].specializations`. If it is precompiled, then there will be...

I think I misunderstood your question. I've added the following to the [README.md](https://github.com/rikhuijzer/PrecompileSignatures.jl) which might answer your question: > ## How can I see what signatures this package creates? >...

Why not collaborate with @tlienart on Franklin.jl to address these issues? Thibaut is very open to contributions

For people coming across this issue, `Guide.xticks` works for me in a similar case. Even with multiple layers inside `Geom.subplot_grid`.