Rik Huijzer

Results 128 comments of Rik Huijzer

Duplicate of https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/70582

It's best to wait for https://github.com/TuringLang/turing.ml/pull/26 to be merged (cc @devmotion). Till that time, the build isn't automated and new submissions have a lower priority over getting old tutorials to...

Ah nice that you've fixed it. So this is about syntax highlighting? Maybe adjust the title then people can find the instructions easily in this issue

It seems that disabling sorting is implemented at the `MCMCChains.jl` side, but not yet in `Turing.jl`. See https://github.com/TuringLang/MCMCChains.jl/pull/160 for details.

The local logger code from David didn't work for me. Instead, on Julia 1.6, use ``` stream = IOBuffer(UInt8[]) logger = Logging.SimpleLogger(stream, Logging.Error) chain = Logging.with_logger(logger) do sample(...) end ```...

I would very much like this feature too. For now, my main priority is creating a PDF from a single page. For multiple pages, I think the Documenter.jl `make.jl` would...

I don't fully understand the proposed path, but trust that you know what you are talking about. > I'll try to get a proof of concept running by the end...

Great work, Thibaut! I find your perseverance impressive/inspiring

@tlienart, in response to your question about my thoughts on what should fail / warn / do nothing in #877: I think that the main important thing is like what...

On second thought, it might be better to advise ``` julia --project -ie 'using Franklin; Franklin.serve()' ``` because then users are encouraged to use a `Manifest.toml` and avoid problems introduced...