Rik Huijzer

Results 128 comments of Rik Huijzer

I've implemented SMOTE in [`Resample.jl`](https://github.com/rikhuijzer/Resample.jl). It has a very basic API, but is built with speed in mind and it uses the Tables interface.

The suggestion by Thomas Churchman at https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-do-i-get-a-doubled-1-with-katex/ looks pretty nice: ``` \newcommand\identity{1\kern-0.25em\text{l}} \identity ``` It shows up as ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20724914/176121279-c9bd6a78-0975-4217-92d1-1fb529b67366.png)

For me this issue was solved by adding ``` new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin( NODE_ENV: 'production' }), ``` inside the list of plugins (`plugins:`) in the file `webpack.prod.babel.js`.

I don't think that it is a good idea to force Documenter to fail when the DOCUMENTER_KEY is unavailable. The reason is that private keys are unavailable to pull requests...

I was thinking about the back end and wonder: what is currently included in the `info` and `logevidence` fields of `Chains`? Given my limited understanding of MCMCChains, I think that...

Upon second read, this issue isn't very clear. It is about the untested usage example at https://github.com/TuringLang/MCMCChains.jl/blob/b0da9f1800b3b96cdb4f3f8dbb4fef1db7bd35bd/src/modelstats.jl#L17-L31

Maybe, a section in the documentation like Gadfly would be a good compromise? Like Gadfly, AlgebraOfGraphics is also very high level and, therefore, there is less need to implement special...

> specific conversion rules (e.g., for default plot types). @devmotion, what do you mean by this exactly? I'm afraid that I don't understand

There is a package related to this discussion at https://github.com/theogf/Turkie.jl.

Good question. I'm away from my desk for a few days. I will come back to this issue afterwards and answer your question.