Ricardo Amaral

Results 100 comments of Ricardo Amaral

@j-f1 But why do we even need to fetch the PID in `SESSION_ADD_DATA`? The one we currently have when that event is dispatch should be the correct one, we don't...

@henrikdahl Could you provide some input here please?

> the app has no way of knowing if this item has actually been removed by you in Trakt or it was never there and you just have the item...

> my main working plan is to use trakt.tv as the repository of all lists/content progress and Showly as my main interface for ongoing progress. however, it appears my devices...

Can you please clarify something for me? If you setup the container from scratch as explained [here](https://github.com/rfgamaral/docker-gphotos-uploader#create-and-start-the-container) and then authenticate as explained [here](https://github.com/rfgamaral/docker-gphotos-uploader#authentication), does it run once (it should) and...

> I do this in Synology’s GUI, so I don’t know how the setup maps. Did you tick this option when creating the container: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96476/74241320-ac416a00-4cd3-11ea-8cc2-0ee540788ba3.png) ?

But how are you doing the auth process if you're creating the container through Synology's UI? Either way, can you please do the whole process from scratch in the CLI...

> Perhaps you need to have your main process just sleep, and rely on the the gphotos-uploader-cli to be spawned by cron? This is exactly how it's implemented since I...

From a desktop application. I've used SmartGit in the examples above. I'll try the `eval` one when possible, and report back. I can't do the other suggestion because that would...

@Schniz That solved it, and it makes sense, it was stupid of me to do it without `eval` 🤦‍♂️ However, I had a different problem after that... You see, I'm...