Ricardo Amaral

Results 21 issues of Ricardo Amaral

Google recently started recommending one to track using gtag.js instead of analytics.js and I'm curious how this affects this project, if it affects it at all. More information: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/migration Asking...


I use Hyper with WSL and this plugin doesn't work with it (see #75). I'm trying to fix that but I come across one thing that is confusing me and...

Sometimes I use the Trakt.tv website instead of Showly, and remove an item from my watchlist. However, Showly syncs the removed item back to the watchlist. I think Showly should...

I use ZSH and here's how I set up `fnm` on `~/.zshrc`: ``` eval "$(fnm env --shell=zsh --use-on-cd --log-level=quiet)" ``` Now I'm trying to set up Git hooks with the...

For example, say that I have 2 packages configured like this: **`/packages/foo/package.json`** ```json { "name": "foo", "version": "1.0.0" } ``` **`/packages/bar/package.json`** ```json { "name": "bar", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "foo":...

### What’s the bug you are facing? This is better explained with a short demo: ![firefox_4DBYnuFKvn](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96476/175537376-c451095b-7c62-496c-bbbf-a0b8d740d3f8.gif) ### Which browser was this experienced in? Are any special extensions installed? All of...


### What’s the bug you are facing? When using the `#` as the `char` in the [Suggestion](https://tiptap.dev/api/utilities/suggestion) utility, this conflicts with the heading Markdown shortcut **IF** it's the first character...


For me this is the best icon theme for VS Code but I find it distracting that the icons are tiny bit too small and don't feel properly aligned. Look...

### Version Number 1.17.3 ### What branch are you on? master ### Describe the Bug I have my Movies library configured like this: ```yaml libraries: Movies: metadata_path: - file: config/metadata/Movies/collections.yml...


### What’s the bug you are facing? Although they are two very different issues, this issue is similar to both #2547 and #2544. Another problem I found with the current...
