Ricardo Amaral

Results 100 comments of Ricardo Amaral

> I'm compressing images during upload `client-side`. Not sure though if it usually is done `server-side`. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here, it depends on your...

I think this might be a duplicate of: https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/issues/2924

> If Tippy is fine with it potentially being null, we’re in the clear. I'm not sure if I got this comment right, but I just wanted to say that...

We are in the process of updating to the latest Tiptap versions, and [the PR to fix this issue](https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/commit/f019f70a19c34715e2d5c3921d348e11c7ac51a3) did not handle this in the best way possible, as mentioned...

Fixing this issue, along with https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/issues/3128, and I don't want to push it 😅, but also with https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/pull/3192, will eliminate sooooooo many paint points for us and our users, that...

> Thats true. I think while Prosemirror may provide their own solutions for specific editor behaviors, most people want the editor to behave like the most basic ones like Google...

> > Fixing this issue, along with #3128, and I don't want to push it > > I thought you were fixing one of those issues and didn't want to...

> @YousefED you mind if we look into your solution for this issue? I'm sure it's fine... ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96476/190172015-02862fe7-863a-47b7-b493-4340b9af45db.png) 😁

Did a quick test around BlockNote, and that implementation seems to provide a better backspace handling for this issue and also #3128. Hopefully you can draw inspiration from that, and...

@bdbch This issue still exists, do you think this could be reopened, and possibly some attention?