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Single (i) Cell R package (iCellR) is an interactive R package to work with high-throughput single cell sequencing technologies (i.e scRNA-seq, scVDJ-seq, scATAC-seq, CITE-Seq and Spatial Transcriptom...

Results 11 iCellR issues
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Thank you for the great package. I have noticed the implementation of gg.cor produces incorrect results! eg. When you provide gene1 = "TCF7" and gene2 = "IFNG", it will produce...

Hi all, I hope you can help me here. I've been following your tutorials to set up my data in the following order: ``` mat

how to Transform my iCellR object into seurat

after reading in the all_contig_anotations.csv file as a data frame and trying to use the prep.vdj( ) function on that output, exactly the same as in the tutorial, I get...

Hello, I created an object with data of single condition and tried to normalized it with ranked.glsf. But is empty. I also tried to normalized it with no.norm. But...

Hi iCellR, Thanks for the great cell-cell correlation function. Do you mind tell me which method we used for the correlation analysis, eg Pearson, Spearman, etc? Also, we don't quite...

Hello, Is there a way of transforming my final Seurat object (after all the QC, Batch alignment and Clustering) into iCellR? There is some information I would like to obtain...

Hi Reza, I am trying to look at gene expression of a specific condition in my UMAP from a converted Seurat object, however, whenever I try to specify the condition...

Hi guys I want to test the KNetL map for some geochemical purposes (sparse geochemical data 5600 rows and 19 columns). However, I have some problems, when I try to...

Hi, does the data.scale function process raw counts or normalized data ? Thanks