Raul Mur-Artal
Raul Mur-Artal
The same cmake file works for hydro. Have you set up the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable?
Have you tried the example sequence?. Does it work correctly? You can send me some seconds of your sequence and the calibration and I can take a look.
Run a debugger and check where it is crashing. Without more info I cannot tell what is happening.
Without more information I cannot tell what is happening. Could you please use a debugger?
The Frame class stores the pose in mTcw which is a cv::Mat 4x4 of type float (CV_32F) It transforms points in the world coordinate system into the camera. You could...
Camera.bf is the horizontal focal length (in pixels) multiplied by the baseline (in meters). ThDepth can be safely set around 50. This will be explained in the paper about this...
see here: http://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/file_formats While in the documentation it is said that the factor should be 5000 we saw that for fr2 sequences we got a scale error and needed to...
Parameters for just one camera are used when the images are already rectified. See for instance the KITTI dataset example: https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2/blob/master/Examples/Stereo/KITTI04-12.yaml. If images are not rectified you need to provide...