ORB_SLAM copied to clipboard
Can't run ORB-SLAM
I'm having problems trying to run ORB-SLAM. I can't even run succesfully the launch file. I've installed it following the steps from the git (but i had to add the include #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> to the ORBextractor.cc file because i couldn't do make in the root).
When I run roslaunch ORB_SLAM ExampleGroovyOrNewer.launch the terminal tells me the following:
sergio@sergio-MacBookPro:~/tfm/src/ORB_SLAM$ roslaunch ORB_SLAM ExampleGroovyOrNewer.launch ... logging to /home/sergio/.ros/log/11616338-73e7-11e5-8215-0c4de99d84e9/roslaunch-sergio-MacBookPro-14005.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://sergio-MacBookPro:37961/
- /image_view/autosize: True
- /rosdistro: indigo
- /rosversion: 1.11.13
NODES / ORB_SLAM (ORB_SLAM/ORB_SLAM) image_view (image_view/image_view) rviz (rviz/rviz)
core service [/rosout] found process[image_view-1]: started with pid [14023] process[rviz-2]: started with pid [14057] process[ORB_SLAM-3]: started with pid [14080]
ORB-SLAM Copyright (C) 2014 Raul Mur-Artal This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt. [ORB_SLAM-3] process has died [pid 14080, exit code -11, cmd /home/sergio/tfm/src/ORB_SLAM/bin/ORB_SLAM Data/ORBvoc.txt Data/Settings.yaml __name:=ORB_SLAM __log:=/home/sergio/.ros/log/11616338-73e7-11e5-8215-0c4de99d84e9/ORB_SLAM-3.log]. log file: /home/sergio/.ros/log/11616338-73e7-11e5-8215-0c4de99d84e9/ORB_SLAM-3*.log
And if I play the bag file it starts but nothing happens.
Yes, the ORBvoc.txt.tar.gz file is uncompressed. I've even trying installing ORB SLAM three times.
If I try to run:
In my case:
rosrun ORB_SLAM ORB_SLAM Data/ORBvoc.txt Data/Settings.yaml
The terminal tells me the following:
sergio@sergio-MacBookPro:~/tfm/src/ORB_SLAM$ rosrun ORB_SLAM ORB_SLAM Data/ORBvoc.txt Data/Settings.yaml
ORB-SLAM Copyright (C) 2014 Raul Mur-Artal This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt. Violación de segmento (`core' generado) (Not sure how to translate it, sorry)
Any help will be welcome, thanks! Sergio
Without more information I cannot tell what is happening. Could you please use a debugger?
Hello again Raúl!
Due to I'm pretty new with ROS (and Ubuntu, to be fair) I had some troubles following your advice. I've tried with Eclipse, NetBeans and GDB trying to found the issue with the debugger. What is exactly what you want?
I can read from the log that the error that occurs in the launc is the next one:
[roslaunch][ERROR] 2015-10-19 13:03:17,326: [ORB_SLAM-4] process has died [pid 14208, exit code -11, cmd /home/sergio/tfm/src/ORB_SLAM/bin/ORB_SLAM /Data/ORBvoc.txt /Data/Settings.yaml __name:=ORB_SLAM __log:=/home/sergio/.ros/log/ff0b7a68-7650-11e5-ba3f-c8e0eb152e4d/ORB_SLAM-4.log]. log file: /home/sergio/.ros/log/ff0b7a68-7650-11e5-ba3f-c8e0eb152e4d/ORB_SLAM-4*.log
I've also tried to install it following the steps from here:
But the terminal tells me back the following:
sergio@sergio-MacBookPro:~/tfm/src/ORB_SLAM$ roslaunch ORB_SLAM ExampleGroovyOrNewer.launch ... logging to /home/sergio/.ros/log/2f5d62b4-767c-11e5-b085-c8e0eb152e4d/roslaunch-sergio-MacBookPro-8546.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://sergio-MacBookPro:49619/
- /image_view/autosize: True
- /rosdistro: indigo
- /rosversion: 1.11.13
NODES / ORB_SLAM (ORB_SLAM/ORB_SLAM) image_view (image_view/image_view) rviz (rviz/rviz)
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [8558] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 2f5d62b4-767c-11e5-b085-c8e0eb152e4d process[rosout-1]: started with pid [8571] started core service [/rosout] process[image_view-2]: started with pid [8588] process[rviz-3]: started with pid [8622] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ORB_SLAM/ORB_SLAM]: can't locate node [ORB_SLAM] in package [ORB_SLAM]
Thank you, Sergio
I installed it in another PC (with Hydro) and it works, but I can't make it work in the other one with Indigo.
Hi @SergioGarG
I have the same problem as you but unfortunately it dosn't work with Hydro "ubuntu 12.04" can you help me please ?
Hi @mhzaki
My problem was related with libraries (because I installed previously opencv2.4.8). So, I solved the problem uninstalling these libraries.
I don't know if your problem is related with it, I hope i helped you.
@SergioGarG How do you solve the problem about the libraries?(I use ros-indigo opencv 3.0 )