Ranjan Anantharaman

Results 34 issues of Ranjan Anantharaman

On rc1, testing the latest ASTInterpreter, I get the following error: ``` ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: getnode not defined in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:426 in macro expansion; at ./none:2 [inlined] in anonymous...

``` julia> using Bokeh ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: Nothing not defined in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:426 (repeats 2 times) in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:234 in require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:357 while loading /Users/ranjan/.julia/v0.5/Bokeh/src/glyphs.jl,...

- Snoop file - Target = x86_64 - Desktop shortcut with icon

I was wondering if this can be turned into a more generalizable package. Perhaps we can specify a dictionary of paths to non jl files including binaries, which we can...



Error I'm stuck on just now: when I'm running multi-threaded, I get NaNs for my voltages

1. https://github.com/Circuitscape/Circuitscape.jl/pull/330#issuecomment-959480820, https://github.com/Circuitscape/Circuitscape.jl/issues/327#issuecomment-956256148 cc: @merijnvdb 2. ArcGIS tutorial needs to go into documentation. 3. Consider just deprecating the toolbox?

When the point file contains polygons, include pairs does not seem to be called anywhere.

``` using JLD a = rand(10) save("a.jld", "a", a) workspace() using JLD using Base.Test a = rand(10) b = rand(10) c = rand(10) @save "thing.jld" @test contains(readall(`ls`), "thing.jld") ``` running...