Ranjan Anantharaman

Results 34 issues of Ranjan Anantharaman

When I try to simualate this ME FMU with CVODE, I get this error: ```python In [8]: fmpy.simulate_fmu(path, start_time = 0.0, stop_time = 5000.0, fmi_type = "ModelExchange", start_values = {"Td0":...


Add a few tests to `PyPlot.jl`. These are mostly just calls, and tests fail if any of these calls breaks. I was hoping this could be a decent starting point.

It would be nice if ArrayFire could easily interface with other JuliaGPU packages such as CUBLAS etc. for the in-place BLAS and finer lower-level control.


``` a = rand(10,10) a[1,:] # Returns row in Julia v0.4 and a vector on Julia v0.5 ``` Currently, ArrayFire returns a 2D row just like in Julia v0.4, but...

Julia dispatch issue: Let’s say we have `AFArray


The array `tau` that's returned looks different from what Julia returns. Why are they different?


On the latest tagged release and master of Gallium ``` Test Failed Expression: 2.0 == get(frame.env.locals[id]) Evaluated: 2.0 == Nullable{Float64}() Error During Test Test threw an exception of type ErrorException...

[mat.jls.zip](https://github.com/ranjanan/AMG.jl/files/2124648/mat.jls.zip) [vec.jls.zip](https://github.com/ranjanan/AMG.jl/files/2124649/vec.jls.zip) Ref https://github.com/Circuitscape/Circuitscape.jl/issues/129

Makes smoothed aggregation unstable when using diagonal weighting on the Jacobi prolongation

Well, I looked at https://github.com/JuliaDiff/DualNumbers.jl/issues/45, so I thought this PR might help. The code is basically the same, but I exported `Dual`, `value` and `partials`. I also added pretty printing,...