Ranjan Anantharaman

Results 87 comments of Ranjan Anantharaman

Sorry, my bad. Pkg.checkout fixed it for me. But tests fail: ``` ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching plot(::Array{Base.#sin,1}) Closest candidates are: plot(::Array{Function,1}) plot(::Array{Function,1}, ::Range{T}, ::Any...; kwargs...) plot(::Array{Function,1}, ::Real)...

@NHDaly thank you for all your work and progress. Yes, that is indeed what I was referring to when I said I ran into another problem with Blink: `@init` was...

Hi @NHDaly, do you happen to have the error trace in a gist somewhere?

@NHDaly, I think we should be able to send PRs to make generic changes to every package we need to make them statically compilable (and therefore shippable). Packages will definitely...

> because it hasn't executed change_dir_if_bundle yet! The __init__ method is run when the module is loaded, which is way before julia_main is run. Yes, the right fix is to...

Hi @NHDaly, thank you so much for your help and detailed comments. I actually managed to bundle Blink as per your instructions and with this package too. However, there's one...

> you could send the list of binary dependencies you had to copy? ```julia if get(ENV, "COMPILING_APPLE_BUNDLE", "false") == "true" println("GOING TO CHANGE THEM PATHS!") eval(Blink.AtomShell, :(_electron = "Julia.app/Contents/MacOS/Julia")) eval(Blink.AtomShell,...

>dding this JULIA_HOME fix? Yes, I've had to hard code that path in the BinDeps package for it to work. >I was using in the function you linked to stops...

@NHDaly Just an update: I've been working on some shipping issues relating to UI components. Usually, packages that want to serve assets put it into their `Pkg.dir()/assets/` folder, and this...

> We've just finished our move to Rhode Island, but we're still setting up the apartment. No problem! Take care, and I hope all goes well. :-) With regards to...