Ranjan Anantharaman

Results 34 issues of Ranjan Anantharaman

@toivoh, I was wondering what the plans for this package are. Are you planning to support this through v0.5? Have you had a look at [Gallium](https://github.com/Keno/Gallium.jl) ?

Hey, if I do this: ``` a = sprand(10^6, 10^6, 1e-6) a = a + a' #So it's invertible a = a + speye(10^6) #So it's invertible b = rand(10^6)...

Hey, I just noticed that the matrices in your example are of unequal sizes. That was giving me a dimension mismatch error. Also, the geam call needs three characters ('O')...

I've encountered this error while running Pardiso on an Intel Mac. (I observed this largely on Julia v1.7 but I could not get a chance to double check whether this...

Hey, I am the chair at JuliaCon 2023, where we recently announced Dr. Stephen Wolfram is a keynote speaker. I know that the folks at Wolfram are super excited about...

Hi, thanks for the great implementation! :) I was wondering if you can tell me which style files were used to generate the perceptual pretrained models [here](https://github.com/zhaw/neural_style/tree/master/perceptual) (s0 - s21)


Visualize the adaptive grids by providing a clean command