Radomir Stevanovic

Results 79 comments of Radomir Stevanovic

I would love to hear what @etrepum thinks about this. The issue describing the feature is #159, and this is the initial, Python only, implementation. I didn't want to go...

If I remember correctly, all primary JSON types (string, number, array, object) are handled explicitly by `simplejson`, and `default` user function is never called. Default function is called only on...

While we do have Julia on our radar, we haven't set a timeline for "Julia Ocean". Have you tried using it via libraries like [PyCall.jl](https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl)? OTOH, we are actively working...

Unfortunately, CircleCI currently [does not support custom docker images](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/arm-resources/#overview) (e.g. `manylinux2014_aarch64`) on ARM hosts. Not even with on-prem [runners configuration](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/runner-overview/#section=configuration).

One option would be to use [cibuildwheel](https://github.com/pypa/cibuildwheel), but that would require a significant change to our CircleCI flow. Some examples use a VM to emulate arm64 machine, but on CircleCI...

@arcondello, Test failures stem from a backward-compatibility breaking change in [dwave-neal#91](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-neal/pull/91) -- `num_sweeps` now has to be positive. And in dwave-hybrid (tests) we set `num_sweeps=0` to verify initial state is...

`minorminer` c++ docs have been fixed in https://github.com/dwavesystems/minorminer/pull/167, released in 0.2.5 (latest stable). @arcondello, did you have any other package in mind, or we can close this issue?

> I'm pushing some broken code to show what happens when I try to inherit from DWaveSampler(), indeed the API request comes along for the ride. Maybe someone will have...

This is actually expected/intended/documented behavior. Under [`dwave.cloud.client.Client` / `solver` param](https://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/en/stable/docs_cloud/reference/resources.html#dwave.cloud.client.Client) we state: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/447371/112694336-6ac03f80-8e3f-11eb-8bd1-bbaccd5c550a.png) So, `solver` passed to `Client` constructor (or `from_config` factory) will only specify a **default** filter to use...

Thanks, @Dodeler. That's a good catch, public attributes of `Future` should be documented.