Radomir Stevanovic

Results 79 comments of Radomir Stevanovic

Maybe it's enough to just link to it from the intro page, when you introduce the kerberos sampler?

Agree. Feel free to open a PR.

That would be nice. If all supported `compress` flag, we could use it by default from the client.

Benefits also heavily depend on network speed. On (very) fast networks, using anything except the simplest/fastest stream compression is probably not worth it. But we upload in parallel, so that...

Another alternative worth considering: [ultrajson](https://github.com/ultrajson/ultrajson).

When submitting 10 jobs to a 2000Q, runtime is ~120 s and peak memory usage ~800 MiB. When submitting 100 jobs to a 2000Q, runtime is ~13.5 min and peak...

@arcondello, I agree. Sampling params are just passed down to the QPU solver, and we can handle conversion there.

This basically translates to making `dwave.cloud.Client` picklable (in `dwave-cloud-client` package). Currently it isn't by default, because thread pools and mutexes would have to be recreated manually. Can you show here...

Blocked by https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/217.

Not sure what exactly you have in mind. Something like this: ``` Client.cancel_all() ``` or ``` Client.cancel_problem() ``` or ``` Future.from_problem_id().cancel() ``` The last one of those I plan to...